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How can I create a narrowcasting?

Using the narrowcasting feed you can show real-time review on a screen within your team or department. This expands your involvement with the client feedback!

1) Choose in the menu 'Publication options' and 'Narrowcasting' and click the button 'Create narrowcasting'. 

2) Give your narrowcasting a name and select a lay-out. 

3) In the next step you can choose to display a summary bar. In the summary bar you can show the KPI's you ask for in your survey. You can also add a logo or a subtext. This will then be displayed under the name of your narrowcast. 

You can also upload a background picture in this step for the box in which the reviews are displayed. If you do not select a background picture, the background will get the theme color of your environment.

Now you can choose what data you want to display in the narrowcast. 


Summary bar

1) First you select the period of time of which you want to display the data. This time period states  how far back in time you want to go until today. For example:

1 Month = until one month back

3 Week = until three weeks back

2) Select the KPI's you want to show in the summary bar. Select the survey, indicator and possible questions and metadata (the last two are not mandatory) to do this. 

You can add multiple indicators here.


Add chart

In the remaining blocks of the narrowcasting you can add charts. You can choose from:

A. Response feed

B. Linechart


Response feed

Here you can select the question you want to show in the carousel. Usually this is your testimonial, also called the review question. Optionally you can make a selection based on metadata, score or labels. 

An extra option is to only display public reviews, reviews the customer has given permission for to publish. If you do not check this, all reviews will be displayed. 


Line chart

The line chart shows the development of your KPI's over time in a chart. You indicate the time period of how far back in time this line chart needs to go. It is also possible to show the score of a certain question or metadata. 


If you want to check the narrowcast before you display them on the screens, you can use the

-button. When you are completely satisfied, you can use the unsocial.tv URL to display the narrowcast on your screens in the department.