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How can I make a survey?

Make a survey in a couple steps.

  • Go in the menu to surveys and click '+ new survey'.
  • Select the applicable type of experience and name your survey. 
  • Choose the survey type and the language.

We distinguish 3 types of surveys:

  1. Swift: With the Swifth survey you will see a new question each time on your screen. Usually these are questions with an answer scale. This survey type works well on your desktop or tablet. 

  2. Essential: If you have a short survey with a maximum of 3 questions, the Essential survey type is ideal. This is being used mostly for UX. All questions are displayed in the same screen. 
  3. Conversational: In a conversational survey you can - as the name could tell - have a conversation in the survey. This type of survey is therefore perfect for in a chat. 

Now that you know the different types of surveys, you can start building your own survey. You can do this by each time adding a new page.

A page (usually) consists of multiple tabs. 

  1. "Question" Type the question, optionally with explanation, and your answer scale. When you want to use an answer scale for multiple questions, you can save this answer scale as a template. 
  2. "Advanced" Note down the subject of your question. With a conversational survey this is useful for reporting. 

You can also, if applicable, enter the related KPI here. This is also important for reporting.

Next there are several options you can check:

  • 'This question is mandatory to fill in'
    Uncheck this if the respondent can skip this question.
  • 'This question is visible'
    Uncheck this if you don't want your respondent to see this question (but if you do want to keep the question), or when you only want to ask the question to a specific group (regarding your metadata). 
  • 'Add "Not applicable" button'
    The respondent has the possibility to answer 'not applicable'.
  • 'This question will count towards the final score'
    You can select several questions which are counted for the total score of the review. This grade is visible in your inbox and will end up in the positive or negative map.
  • 'Question reference'
    You can copy this reference, place it between accolades and use it for example in your next question. The survey then shows the answer to the question of the "question reference". 
    Question 1: How satisfied are you with our service? 1-10
    Question 2: What is the main reason you chose ?

3. "Action center": To be continued...


Don't forget to save your survey in between. With the button "test your survey" you will see a demo version of your survey. 

When you have built your survey, there are just a few steps left to follow:

  • Branding: You can select the desired font and color and upload your background photo/website and company logo. With the conversational survey you can also choose an avatar, for example a photo of the person you are chatting with. 
  • Logic: You can apply all sorts of logic to your survey based on the question, score or metadata. You can for example choose to skip or show certain questions based on a certain answer. 
  • Translate: If you want the survey to be available in multiple languages, you can translate the survey. This page shows all lines of text that need to be translated. 

Your survey is ready! Don't forget to save and finish it. Finally open the survey one more time to add the last details:

  • 'Redirect url'
    To which website do you return after exiting the survey.
  • 'Turbo mode'
    In case you have a long survey, you can choose to turn on the turbo mode so your respondent does not have to press 'next' to go to the next question, but will instead be redirected automatically after filling in an answer.